libPCBUSB  Version 0.12, Build 1668 of January 31, 2023
macOS Library for PCAN-USB Interfaces
 All Data Structures Files Functions Variables Typedefs Defines
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00001 /* -- $HeadURL: $ --
00002  *
00003  *  project   :  CAN - Controller Area Network
00004  *
00005  *  purpose   :  PCAN Application Programming Interface
00006  *
00007  *  copyright :  (C) 2012-2023 by UV Software, Berlin
00008  *
00009  *  compiler  :  Apple clang version 14.0.0 (clang-1400.0.29.202)
00010  *
00011  *  export    :  TPCANStatus CAN_Initialize(TPCANHandle Channel, TPCANBaudrate Btr0Btr1, TPCANType HwType, DWORD IOPort, WORD Interrupt);
00012  *               TPCANStatus CAN_Uninitialize(TPCANHandle Channel);
00013  *               TPCANStatus CAN_Reset(TPCANHandle Channel);
00014  *               TPCANStatus CAN_GetStatus(TPCANHandle Channel);
00015  *               TPCANStatus CAN_Read(TPCANHandle Channel, TPCANMsg* MessageBuffer, TPCANTimestamp* TimestampBuffer);
00016  *               TPCANStatus CAN_Write(TPCANHandle Channel, TPCANMsg* MessageBuffer);
00017  *               TPCANStatus CAN_FilterMessages(TPCANHandle Channel, DWORD FromID, DWORD ToID, TPCANMode Mode);
00018  *               TPCANStatus CAN_GetValue(TPCANHandle Channel, TPCANParameter Parameter, void* Buffer, DWORD BufferLength);
00019  *               TPCANStatus CAN_SetValue(TPCANHandle Channel, TPCANParameter Parameter, void* Buffer, DWORD BufferLength);
00020  *               TPCANStatus CAN_GetErrorText(TPCANStatus Error, WORD Language, LPSTR Buffer);
00021  *               *** CAN FD capable devices ***
00022  *               TPCANStatus CAN_InitializeFD(TPCANHandle Channel, TPCANBitrateFD BitrateFD);
00023  *               TPCANStatus CAN_ReadFD(TPCANHandle Channel, TPCANMsgFD* MessageBuffer, TPCANTimestampFD* TimestampBuffer);
00024  *               TPCANStatus CAN_WriteFD(TPCANHandle Channel, TPCANMsgFD* MessageBuffer);
00025  *
00026  *  includes  :  (none)
00027  *
00028  *  author    :  Uwe Vogt, UV Software
00029  *
00030  *  e-mail    :
00031  *
00032  *
00033  *  -----------  description  --------------------------------------------
00034  *
00035  *  PCAN API  -  PEAK CAN Application Programming Interface
00036  *
00037  *  This Application Programming Interface (API) is an almost compatible
00038  *  implementation of the PEAK PCANBasic DLL on macOS (x86_64 and arm64).
00039  *
00040  *  Supported CAN Interfaces:
00041  *  - PCAN-USB
00042  *  - PCAN-USB FD
00043  *  Up to 8 devices are supported.
00044  *
00045  *  Version of PCAN API:
00046  *  - Based on PEAK's version of 2022-07-06
00047  */
00049 #ifndef PCAN_API_H_INCLUDED
00050 #define PCAN_API_H_INCLUDED
00052 /*  -----------  includes  -----------------------------------------------
00053  */
00055 #ifdef __APPLE__
00056 #include <MacTypes.h>                   // To map Windows integer types
00057 #endif
00059 /*  -----------  defines  ------------------------------------------------
00060  */
00062 #ifdef __APPLE__
00063 #ifndef BYTE
00064 #define BYTE    UInt8
00065 #endif
00066 #ifndef WORD
00067 #define WORD    UInt16
00068 #endif
00069 #ifndef DWORD
00070 #define DWORD   UInt32
00071 #endif
00072 #ifndef UINT64
00073 #define UINT64  UInt64
00074 #endif
00075 #ifndef LPSTR
00076 #define LPSTR   char*
00077 #endif
00078 #define __T(s)  s
00079 #endif
00081 /* Defined and supported PCAN channels
00082  */
00083 #define PCAN_NONEBUS             0x00U  //!< Undefined/default value for a PCAN bus
00085 #define PCAN_USBBUS1             0x51U  //!< PCAN-USB interface, channel 1
00086 #define PCAN_USBBUS2             0x52U  //!< PCAN-USB interface, channel 2
00087 #define PCAN_USBBUS3             0x53U  //!< PCAN-USB interface, channel 3
00088 #define PCAN_USBBUS4             0x54U  //!< PCAN-USB interface, channel 4
00089 #define PCAN_USBBUS5             0x55U  //!< PCAN-USB interface, channel 5
00090 #define PCAN_USBBUS6             0x56U  //!< PCAN-USB interface, channel 6
00091 #define PCAN_USBBUS7             0x57U  //!< PCAN-USB interface, channel 7
00092 #define PCAN_USBBUS8             0x58U  //!< PCAN-USB interface, channel 8
00093 #ifndef __APPLE__
00094 #define PCAN_USBBUS9             0x509U //!< PCAN-USB interface, channel 9
00095 #define PCAN_USBBUS10            0x50AU //!< PCAN-USB interface, channel 10
00096 #define PCAN_USBBUS11            0x50BU //!< PCAN-USB interface, channel 11
00097 #define PCAN_USBBUS12            0x50CU //!< PCAN-USB interface, channel 12
00098 #define PCAN_USBBUS13            0x50DU //!< PCAN-USB interface, channel 13
00099 #define PCAN_USBBUS14            0x50EU //!< PCAN-USB interface, channel 14
00100 #define PCAN_USBBUS15            0x50FU //!< PCAN-USB interface, channel 15
00101 #define PCAN_USBBUS16            0x510U //!< PCAN-USB interface, channel 16
00102 #endif
00105 /* PCAN error and status codes
00106  */
00107 #define PCAN_ERROR_OK            0x00000U  //!< No error
00108 #define PCAN_ERROR_XMTFULL       0x00001U  //!< Transmit buffer in CAN controller is full
00109 #define PCAN_ERROR_OVERRUN       0x00002U  //!< CAN controller was read too late
00110 #define PCAN_ERROR_BUSLIGHT      0x00004U  //!< Bus error: an error counter reached the 'light' limit
00111 #define PCAN_ERROR_BUSHEAVY      0x00008U  //!< Bus error: an error counter reached the 'heavy' limit
00112 #define PCAN_ERROR_BUSWARNING    PCAN_ERROR_BUSHEAVY //!< Bus error: an error counter reached the 'warning' limit
00113 #define PCAN_ERROR_BUSPASSIVE    0x40000U  //!< Bus error: the CAN controller is error passive
00114 #define PCAN_ERROR_BUSOFF        0x00010U  //!< Bus error: the CAN controller is in bus-off state
00116 #define PCAN_ERROR_QRCVEMPTY     0x00020U  //!< Receive queue is empty
00117 #define PCAN_ERROR_QOVERRUN      0x00040U  //!< Receive queue was read too late
00118 #define PCAN_ERROR_QXMTFULL      0x00080U  //!< Transmit queue is full
00119 #define PCAN_ERROR_REGTEST       0x00100U  //!< Test of the CAN controller hardware registers failed (no hardware found)
00120 #define PCAN_ERROR_NODRIVER      0x00200U  //!< Driver not loaded
00121 #define PCAN_ERROR_HWINUSE       0x00400U  //!< Hardware already in use by a Net
00122 #define PCAN_ERROR_NETINUSE      0x00800U  //!< A Client is already connected to the Net
00123 #define PCAN_ERROR_ILLHW         0x01400U  //!< Hardware handle is invalid
00124 #define PCAN_ERROR_ILLNET        0x01800U  //!< Net handle is invalid
00125 #define PCAN_ERROR_ILLCLIENT     0x01C00U  //!< Client handle is invalid
00126 #define PCAN_ERROR_ILLHANDLE     (PCAN_ERROR_ILLHW | PCAN_ERROR_ILLNET | PCAN_ERROR_ILLCLIENT)  //!< Mask for all handle errors
00127 #define PCAN_ERROR_RESOURCE      0x02000U  //!< Resource (FIFO, Client, timeout) cannot be created
00128 #define PCAN_ERROR_ILLPARAMTYPE  0x04000U  //!< Invalid parameter
00129 #define PCAN_ERROR_ILLPARAMVAL   0x08000U  //!< Invalid parameter value
00130 #define PCAN_ERROR_UNKNOWN       0x10000U  //!< Unknown error
00131 #define PCAN_ERROR_ILLDATA       0x20000U  //!< Invalid data, function, or action
00132 #define PCAN_ERROR_ILLMODE       0x80000U  //!< Driver object state is wrong for the attempted operation
00133 #define PCAN_ERROR_CAUTION       0x2000000U  //!< An operation was successfully carried out, however, irregularities were registered
00134 #define PCAN_ERROR_INITIALIZE    0x4000000U  //!< Channel is not initialized [Value was changed from 0x40000 to 0x4000000]
00135 #define PCAN_ERROR_ILLOPERATION  0x8000000U  //!< Invalid operation [Value was changed from 0x80000 to 0x8000000]
00137 /* PCAN devices
00138  */
00139 #define PCAN_NONE                0x00U  //!< Undefined, unknown or not selected PCAN device value
00140 #define PCAN_PEAKCAN             0x01U  //!< PCAN Non-PnP devices. NOT USED WITHIN PCAN-Basic API
00141 #define PCAN_ISA                 0x02U  //!< PCAN-ISA, PCAN-PC/104, and PCAN-PC/104-Plus
00142 #define PCAN_DNG                 0x03U  //!< PCAN-Dongle
00143 #define PCAN_PCI                 0x04U  //!< PCAN-PCI, PCAN-cPCI, PCAN-miniPCI, and PCAN-PCI Express
00144 #define PCAN_USB                 0x05U  //!< PCAN-USB and PCAN-USB Pro
00145 #define PCAN_PCC                 0x06U  //!< PCAN-PC Card
00146 #define PCAN_VIRTUAL             0x07U  //!< PCAN Virtual hardware. NOT USED WITHIN PCAN-Basic API
00147 #define PCAN_LAN                 0x08U  //!< PCAN Gateway devices
00149 /* PCAN parameters
00150  */
00151 #define PCAN_DEVICE_ID           0x01U  //!< Device identifier parameter
00152 #define PCAN_5VOLTS_POWER        0x02U  //!< 5-Volt power parameter
00153 #define PCAN_RECEIVE_EVENT       0x03U  //!< PCAN receive event handler parameter
00154 #define PCAN_MESSAGE_FILTER      0x04U  //!< PCAN message filter parameter
00155 #define PCAN_API_VERSION         0x05U  //!< PCAN-Basic API version parameter
00156 #define PCAN_CHANNEL_VERSION     0x06U  //!< PCAN device channel version parameter
00157 #define PCAN_BUSOFF_AUTORESET    0x07U  //!< PCAN Reset-On-Busoff parameter
00158 #define PCAN_LISTEN_ONLY         0x08U  //!< PCAN Listen-Only parameter
00159 #define PCAN_LOG_LOCATION        0x09U  //!< Directory path for log files
00160 #define PCAN_LOG_STATUS          0x0AU  //!< Debug-Log activation status
00161 #define PCAN_LOG_CONFIGURE       0x0BU  //!< Configuration of the debugged information (LOG_FUNCTION_***)
00162 #define PCAN_LOG_TEXT            0x0CU  //!< Custom insertion of text into the log file
00163 #define PCAN_CHANNEL_CONDITION   0x0DU  //!< Availability status of a PCAN-Channel
00164 #define PCAN_HARDWARE_NAME       0x0EU  //!< PCAN hardware name parameter
00165 #define PCAN_RECEIVE_STATUS      0x0FU  //!< Message reception status of a PCAN-Channel
00166 #define PCAN_CONTROLLER_NUMBER   0x10U  //!< CAN-Controller number of a PCAN-Channel
00167 #define PCAN_TRACE_LOCATION      0x11U  //!< Directory path for PCAN trace files
00168 #define PCAN_TRACE_STATUS        0x12U  //!< CAN tracing activation status
00169 #define PCAN_TRACE_SIZE          0x13U  //!< Configuration of the maximum file size of a CAN trace
00170 #define PCAN_TRACE_CONFIGURE     0x14U  //!< Configuration of the trace file storing mode (TRACE_FILE_***)
00171 #define PCAN_CHANNEL_IDENTIFYING 0x15U  //!< Physical identification of a USB based PCAN-Channel by blinking its associated LED
00172 #define PCAN_CHANNEL_FEATURES    0x16U  //!< Capabilities of a PCAN device (FEATURE_***)
00173 #define PCAN_BITRATE_ADAPTING    0x17U  //!< Using of an existing bit rate (PCAN-View connected to a channel)
00174 #define PCAN_BITRATE_INFO        0x18U  //!< Configured bit rate as Btr0Btr1 value
00175 #define PCAN_BITRATE_INFO_FD     0x19U  //!< Configured bit rate as TPCANBitrateFD string
00176 #define PCAN_BUSSPEED_NOMINAL    0x1AU  //!< Configured nominal CAN Bus speed as Bits per seconds
00177 #define PCAN_BUSSPEED_DATA       0x1BU  //!< Configured CAN data speed as Bits per seconds
00178 #define PCAN_IP_ADDRESS          0x1CU  //!< Remote address of a LAN channel as string in IPv4 format
00179 #define PCAN_LAN_SERVICE_STATUS  0x1DU  //!< Status of the Virtual PCAN-Gateway Service
00180 #define PCAN_ALLOW_STATUS_FRAMES 0x1EU  //!< Status messages reception status within a PCAN-Channel
00181 #define PCAN_ALLOW_RTR_FRAMES    0x1FU  //!< RTR messages reception status within a PCAN-Channel
00182 #define PCAN_ALLOW_ERROR_FRAMES  0x20U  //!< Error messages reception status within a PCAN-Channel
00183 #define PCAN_INTERFRAME_DELAY    0x21U  //!< Delay, in microseconds, between sending frames
00184 #define PCAN_ACCEPTANCE_FILTER_11BIT 0x22U  //!< Filter over code and mask patterns for 11-Bit messages
00185 #define PCAN_ACCEPTANCE_FILTER_29BIT 0x23U  //!< Filter over code and mask patterns for 29-Bit messages
00186 #define PCAN_IO_DIGITAL_CONFIGURATION 0x24U //!< Output mode of 32 digital I/O pin of a PCAN-USB Chip. 1: Output-Active 0 : Output Inactive
00187 #define PCAN_IO_DIGITAL_VALUE         0x25U //!< Value assigned to a 32 digital I/O pins of a PCAN-USB Chip
00188 #define PCAN_IO_DIGITAL_SET           0x26U //!< Value assigned to a 32 digital I/O pins of a PCAN-USB Chip - Multiple digital I/O pins to 1 = High
00189 #define PCAN_IO_DIGITAL_CLEAR         0x27U //!< Clear multiple digital I/O pins to 0
00190 #define PCAN_IO_ANALOG_VALUE          0x28U //!< Get value of a single analog input pin
00191 #define PCAN_FIRMWARE_VERSION         0x29U //!< Get the version of the firmware used by the device associated with a PCAN-Channel
00192 #define PCAN_ATTACHED_CHANNELS_COUNT  0x2AU //!< Get the amount of PCAN channels attached to a system
00193 #define PCAN_ATTACHED_CHANNELS        0x2BU //!< Get information about PCAN channels attached to a system
00194 #define PCAN_ALLOW_ECHO_FRAMES        0x2CU //!< Echo messages reception status within a PCAN-Channel
00195 #define PCAN_DEVICE_PART_NUMBER       0x2DU //!< Get the part number associated to a device
00196 #define PCAN_EXT_BTR0BTR1        0x80U  //!< UVS: bit-timing register
00197 #define PCAN_EXT_TX_COUNTER      0x81U  //!< UVS: number of transmitted frames
00198 #define PCAN_EXT_RX_COUNTER      0x82U  //!< UVS: number of received frames
00199 #define PCAN_EXT_ERR_COUNTER     0x83U  //!< UVS: number of error frames
00200 #define PCAN_EXT_RX_QUE_OVERRUN  0x84U  //!< UVS: receive queue overrun counter
00201 #define PCAN_EXT_HARDWARE_VERSION 0x85U //!< UVS: version number of the interface firmware
00202 #define PCAN_EXT_SOFTWARE_VERSION 0x86U //!< UVS: version number of the driver respectively library
00203 #define PCAN_EXT_RECEIVE_CALLBACK 0x87U //!< UVS: callback function called on the reception of an URB
00204 #define PCAN_EXT_LOG_USB         0x8FU  //!< UVS: Log USB communication (URB buffer <==> CAN messages)
00206 /* DEPRECATED parameters
00207  */
00208 #define PCAN_DEVICE_NUMBER       PCAN_DEVICE_ID  //!< Deprecated parameter. Use PCAN_DEVICE_ID instead
00210 /* PCAN parameter values
00211  */
00212 #define PCAN_PARAMETER_OFF       0x00U  //!< The PCAN parameter is not set (inactive)
00213 #define PCAN_PARAMETER_ON        0x01U  //!< The PCAN parameter is set (active)
00214 #define PCAN_FILTER_CLOSE        0x00U  //!< The PCAN filter is closed. No messages will be received
00215 #define PCAN_FILTER_OPEN         0x01U  //!< The PCAN filter is fully opened. All messages will be received
00216 #define PCAN_FILTER_CUSTOM       0x02U  //!< The PCAN filter is custom configured. Only registered messages will be received
00217 #define PCAN_CHANNEL_UNAVAILABLE 0x00U  //!< The PCAN-Channel handle is illegal, or its associated hardware is not available
00218 #define PCAN_CHANNEL_AVAILABLE   0x01U  //!< The PCAN-Channel handle is available to be connected (PnP Hardware: it means furthermore that the hardware is plugged-in)
00219 #define PCAN_CHANNEL_OCCUPIED    0x02U  //!< The PCAN-Channel handle is valid, and is already being used
00220 #define PCAN_CHANNEL_PCANVIEW    (PCAN_CHANNEL_AVAILABLE |  PCAN_CHANNEL_OCCUPIED) //!< The PCAN-Channel handle is already being used by a PCAN-View application, but is available to connect
00222 #define LOG_FUNCTION_DEFAULT     0x00U    //!< Logs system exceptions / errors
00223 #define LOG_FUNCTION_ENTRY       0x01U    //!< Logs the entries to the PCAN-Basic API functions
00224 #define LOG_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS  0x02U    //!< Logs the parameters passed to the PCAN-Basic API functions
00225 #define LOG_FUNCTION_LEAVE       0x04U    //!< Logs the exits from the PCAN-Basic API functions
00226 #define LOG_FUNCTION_WRITE       0x08U    //!< Logs the CAN messages passed to the CAN_Write function
00227 #define LOG_FUNCTION_READ        0x10U    //!< Logs the CAN messages received within the CAN_Read function
00228 #define LOG_FUNCTION_ALL         0xFFFFU  //!< Logs all possible information within the PCAN-Basic API functions
00230 #define TRACE_FILE_SINGLE        0x00U  //!< A single file is written until it size reaches PAN_TRACE_SIZE
00231 #define TRACE_FILE_SEGMENTED     0x01U  //!< Traced data is distributed in several files with size PAN_TRACE_SIZE
00232 #define TRACE_FILE_DATE          0x02U  //!< Includes the date into the name of the trace file
00233 #define TRACE_FILE_TIME          0x04U  //!< Includes the start time into the name of the trace file
00234 #define TRACE_FILE_OVERWRITE     0x80U  //!< Causes the overwriting of available traces (same name)
00236 #define FEATURE_FD_CAPABLE       0x01U  //!< Device supports flexible data-rate (CAN-FD)
00237 #define FEATURE_DELAY_CAPABLE    0x02U  //!< Device supports a delay between sending frames (FPGA based USB devices)
00238 #define FEATURE_IO_CAPABLE       0x04U  //!< Device supports I/O functionality for electronic circuits (USB-Chip devices)
00240 #define SERVICE_STATUS_STOPPED   0x01U  //!< The service is not running
00241 #define SERVICE_STATUS_RUNNING   0x04U  //!< The service is running
00243 /* Other constants
00244  */
00245 #define MAX_LENGTH_HARDWARE_NAME   33   //!< Maximum length of the name of a device: 32 characters + terminator
00246 #define MAX_LENGTH_VERSION_STRING  256  //!< Maximum length of a version string: 17 characters + terminator
00248 /* PCAN message types
00249  */
00250 #define PCAN_MESSAGE_STANDARD    0x00U  //!< The PCAN message is a CAN Standard Frame (11-bit identifier)
00251 #define PCAN_MESSAGE_RTR         0x01U  //!< The PCAN message is a CAN Remote-Transfer-Request Frame
00252 #define PCAN_MESSAGE_EXTENDED    0x02U  //!< The PCAN message is a CAN Extended Frame (29-bit identifier)
00253 #define PCAN_MESSAGE_FD          0x04U  //!< The PCAN message represents a FD frame in terms of CiA Specs
00254 #define PCAN_MESSAGE_BRS         0x08U  //!< The PCAN message represents a FD bit rate switch (CAN data at a higher bit rate)
00255 #define PCAN_MESSAGE_ESI         0x10U  //!< The PCAN message represents a FD error state indicator(CAN FD transmitter was error active)
00256 #define PCAN_MESSAGE_ECHO        0x20U  //!< The PCAN message represents an echo CAN Frame
00257 #define PCAN_MESSAGE_ERRFRAME    0x40U  //!< The PCAN message represents an error frame
00258 #define PCAN_MESSAGE_STATUS      0x80U  //!< The PCAN message represents a PCAN status message
00260 /* LookUp Parameters
00261  */
00262 #define LOOKUP_DEVICE_TYPE        __T("devicetype")       //!< Lookup channel by Device type (see PCAN devices e.g. PCAN_USB)
00263 #define LOOKUP_DEVICE_ID          __T("deviceid")         //!< Lookup channel by device id
00264 #define LOOKUP_CONTROLLER_NUMBER  __T("controllernumber") //!< Lookup channel by CAN controller 0-based index
00265 #define LOOKUP_IP_ADDRESS         __T("ipaddress")        //!< Lookup channel by IP address (LAN channels only)
00267 /* Frame Type / Initialization Mode
00268  */
00272 /* Baud rate codes = BTR0/BTR1 register values for the CAN controller.
00273  * You can define your own Baud rate with the BTROBTR1 register.
00274  * Take a look at for their free software "BAUDTOOL"
00275  * to calculate the BTROBTR1 register for every bit rate and sample point.
00276  */
00277 #define PCAN_BAUD_1M             0x0014U  //!<   1 MBit/s
00278 #define PCAN_BAUD_800K           0x0016U  //!< 800 kBit/s
00279 #define PCAN_BAUD_500K           0x001CU  //!< 500 kBit/s
00280 #define PCAN_BAUD_250K           0x011CU  //!< 250 kBit/s
00281 #define PCAN_BAUD_125K           0x031CU  //!< 125 kBit/s
00282 #define PCAN_BAUD_100K           0x432FU  //!< 100 kBit/s
00283 #define PCAN_BAUD_95K            0xC34EU  //!<  95,238 kBit/s
00284 #define PCAN_BAUD_83K            0x852BU  //!<  83,333 kBit/s
00285 #define PCAN_BAUD_50K            0x472FU  //!<  50 kBit/s
00286 #define PCAN_BAUD_47K            0x1414U  //!<  47,619 kBit/s
00287 #define PCAN_BAUD_33K            0x8B2FU  //!<  33,333 kBit/s
00288 #define PCAN_BAUD_20K            0x532FU  //!<  20 kBit/s
00289 #define PCAN_BAUD_10K            0x672FU  //!<  10 kBit/s
00290 #define PCAN_BAUD_5K             0x7F7FU  //!<   5 kBit/s
00292 /* Represents the configuration for a CAN bit rate
00293  * Note:
00294  *    * Each parameter and its value must be separated with a '='.
00295  *    * Each pair of parameter/value must be separated using ','.
00296  *
00297  * Example:
00298  *    f_clock=80000000,nom_brp=10,nom_tseg1=5,nom_tseg2=2,nom_sjw=1,data_brp=4,data_tseg1=7,data_tseg2=2,data_sjw=1
00299  */
00300 #define PCAN_BR_CLOCK            __T("f_clock")
00301 #define PCAN_BR_CLOCK_MHZ        __T("f_clock_mhz")
00302 #define PCAN_BR_NOM_BRP          __T("nom_brp")
00303 #define PCAN_BR_NOM_TSEG1        __T("nom_tseg1")
00304 #define PCAN_BR_NOM_TSEG2        __T("nom_tseg2")
00305 #define PCAN_BR_NOM_SJW          __T("nom_sjw")
00306 #define PCAN_BR_NOM_SAMPLE       __T("nom_sam")
00307 #define PCAN_BR_DATA_BRP         __T("data_brp")
00308 #define PCAN_BR_DATA_TSEG1       __T("data_tseg1")
00309 #define PCAN_BR_DATA_TSEG2       __T("data_tseg2")
00310 #define PCAN_BR_DATA_SJW         __T("data_sjw")
00311 #define PCAN_BR_DATA_SAMPLE      __T("data_ssp_offset")
00313 /*  -----------  types  --------------------------------------------------
00314  */
00316 #define TPCANHandle              WORD  //!< PCAN hardware channel handle
00317 #define TPCANStatus              DWORD //!< PCAN status/error code (ATTENTION: changed from 64-bit to 32-bit)
00318 #define TPCANParameter           BYTE  //!< PCAN parameter to be read or set
00319 #define TPCANDevice              BYTE  //!< PCAN device
00320 #define TPCANMessageType         BYTE  //!< The type of a PCAN message
00321 #define TPCANType                BYTE  //!< The type of PCAN hardware to be initialized
00322 #define TPCANMode                BYTE  //!< PCAN filter mode
00323 #define TPCANBaudrate            WORD  //!< PCAN Baud rate register value
00324 #define TPCANBitrateFD           LPSTR //!< PCAN-FD bit rate string
00325 #define TPCANTimestampFD         UINT64//!< timestamp of a received PCAN FD message
00329 typedef struct tagTPCANMsg
00330 {
00331     DWORD             ID;      
00332     TPCANMessageType  MSGTYPE; 
00333     BYTE              LEN;     
00334     BYTE              DATA[8]; 
00335 } TPCANMsg;
00340 typedef struct tagTPCANTimestamp
00341 {
00342     DWORD  millis;             
00343     WORD   millis_overflow;    
00344     WORD   micros;             
00345 } TPCANTimestamp;
00349 typedef struct tagTPCANMsgFD
00350 {
00351     DWORD             ID;      
00352     TPCANMessageType  MSGTYPE; 
00353     BYTE              DLC;     
00354     BYTE              DATA[64];
00355 } TPCANMsgFD;
00359 typedef struct tagTPCANChannelInformation
00360 {
00361     TPCANHandle channel_handle;                 
00362     TPCANDevice device_type;                    
00363     BYTE controller_number;                     
00364     DWORD device_features;                      
00365     char device_name[MAX_LENGTH_HARDWARE_NAME]; 
00366     DWORD device_id;                            
00367     DWORD channel_condition;                    
00368 }TPCANChannelInformation;
00371 /*  -----------  variables  ----------------------------------------------
00372  */
00375 /*  -----------  prototypes  ---------------------------------------------
00376  */
00378 #ifdef __cplusplus
00379 extern "C" {
00380 #define _DEF_ARG =0
00381 #else
00382 #define _DEF_ARG
00383 #endif
00395 TPCANStatus CAN_Initialize(
00396         TPCANHandle Channel,
00397         TPCANBaudrate Btr0Btr1,
00398         TPCANType HwType _DEF_ARG,
00399         DWORD IOPort _DEF_ARG,
00400         WORD Interrupt _DEF_ARG);
00421 TPCANStatus CAN_InitializeFD(
00422         TPCANHandle Channel,
00423         TPCANBitrateFD BitrateFD);
00433 TPCANStatus CAN_Uninitialize(
00434         TPCANHandle Channel);
00444 TPCANStatus CAN_Reset(
00445         TPCANHandle Channel);
00453 TPCANStatus CAN_GetStatus(
00454         TPCANHandle Channel);
00465 TPCANStatus CAN_Read(
00466         TPCANHandle Channel,
00467         TPCANMsg* MessageBuffer,
00468         TPCANTimestamp* TimestampBuffer);
00479 TPCANStatus CAN_ReadFD(
00480         TPCANHandle Channel,
00481         TPCANMsgFD* MessageBuffer,
00482         TPCANTimestampFD* TimestampBuffer);
00491 TPCANStatus CAN_Write(
00492         TPCANHandle Channel,
00493         TPCANMsg* MessageBuffer);
00502 TPCANStatus CAN_WriteFD(
00503         TPCANHandle Channel,
00504         TPCANMsgFD* MessageBuffer);
00518 TPCANStatus CAN_FilterMessages(
00519         TPCANHandle Channel,
00520         DWORD FromID,
00521         DWORD ToID,
00522         TPCANMode Mode);
00536 TPCANStatus CAN_GetValue(
00537         TPCANHandle Channel,
00538         TPCANParameter Parameter,
00539         void* Buffer,
00540         DWORD BufferLength);
00555 TPCANStatus CAN_SetValue(
00556         TPCANHandle Channel,
00557         TPCANParameter Parameter,
00558         void* Buffer,
00559         DWORD BufferLength);
00572 TPCANStatus CAN_GetErrorText(
00573         TPCANStatus Error,
00574         WORD Language,
00575         LPSTR Buffer);
00585 TPCANStatus CAN_LookUpChannel(
00586         LPSTR Parameters,
00587         TPCANHandle* FoundChannel);
00589 #ifdef __cplusplus
00590 }
00591 #endif
00592 #endif  /* PCAN_API_H_INCLUDED */
00594 /*  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
00595  *  Uwe Vogt,  UV Software,  Chausseestrasse 33 A,  10115 Berlin,  Germany
00596  *  Tel.: +49-30-46799872,  Fax: +49-30-46799873,  Mobile: +49-170-3801903
00597  *  E-Mail:,  Homepage:
00598  */